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Jump-start your efficiency with the Pomodoro Method

3 novembre 2015

Countless people struggle with productivity and procrastination. No matter how badly something needs to be done, motivation can be a real obstacle. That's where the Pomodoro Method comes into play. Here's how it can help you:

Jump-start your efficiency with the Pomodoro Method

Break up your time

  • The way the Pomodoro Method is easy: You set a timer for 25 minutes and, during that time, you work on your project. For example, a writer would write for 25 minutes without stopping.
  • That means no editing, no checking social media, and no other distractions. Working this way eliminates the temptation to get sidetracked, allowing for a period of intense focus.
  • After 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break. Then work another 25 minutes.
  • This pattern continues until you have completed four Pomodoro sessions, or "poms." After this, you would take a longer break for 20-30 minutes.

Get rid of distractions

  • Timing may not be enough if you're easily distracted, so start eliminating things that set you off-course as well.
  • Set your phone to silent or turn it off completely. Turn off the television and shut out excess noise.
  • Use a full-screen application to block out anything from your screen except the project you are working on.
  • Many productivity experts say the hardest part of any job is getting started. Once you've done that, you're halfway there.

Learn by example

  • Study for 25 minutes, then stand up and walk around. Do a few jumping jacks. Get the blood flowing to your brain, then study some more.
  • Exercise for 25 minutes. Run in place, stretch, and do sets, then rest for 5 minutes before going through the circuit again.
  • Start cleaning your kitchen, then take a break.
  • Work on a task for 25 minutes, then set a 5-minute timer for surfing online.
  • Google makes this easy: Simply type "5 minute timer" into the search engine's search bar. Once you hit "Enter," a timer will start automatically.

Regardless of how you implement the Pomodoro Method, it can be helpful for getting started on tasks that you struggle to focus on. Start by timing yourself and eliminating distractions. If you do, your productivity and time management could improve drastically.

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