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John Chick is a Downtown Toronto-based blogger whose day-to-day existence mostly revolves around writing, running, food, basketball and beer. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram @roofthatpeach.
How you recover after a workout is as important as the workout itself. Being a bustling urbanite probably means you’re often on-the-go and under tighter time constraints. If you find yourself downtown and in need of a pick-me-up after your yoga class or cross-fit session, check out these healthy spots for a delicious post-workout boost. [Image credit: iStock.com/Magone]
Pizza: it’s the staple of food delivery and go-to for a quick but gourmet treat. These downtown spots can quickly curtail your cravings, but many of them go beyond the pie, offering a slew of Italian classics and a wide variety of deliverables. [Image credit: iStock.com/SolisImages]
Toronto-ites can be a fussy lot, craving everything from buttermilk-fried chicken to steaming enchiladas, and expecting delivery right to their front door. Luckily, in downtown Toronto, there’s a cornucopia of options at your fingertips, and here are some of our top picks. [Image credit: iStock.com/paisan191]
Take it from somebody who has lived there: Southeast Asia is a diverse cornucopia of cuisine, with various regional nuances often unseen to the naked eye. Like the rest of that part of the world, Thailand features a unique cross-section of fare, and downtown Toronto offers a pretty good sampling that can be delivered right to your door.
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