Morgex Insurance
27-99 Wye Rd, Sherwood Park AB T8B 1M1
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    Extremely UNhelpful

    My boyfriend was looking to get a vehicle, still was weighing the pro's and con's of NEW or USED. He called his insurnace broker (we'll call her M8) and called me after saying he was a bit confused and didn't feel as though his questions had been answered at all because she seemed impatient and he felt uncomfortable asking too many questions. So I called the Edmonton office and the woman I spoke with was super nice and tried to be helpful, she transferred me to M8 in Sherwood Park, M8 didn't answer but in her voicmail left an email address. I emailed her and stated who my bf was and what he was looking for and gave my email, a phone number, and a fax number. That was at 10 am, by 2 pm I was curious if I was going to get a response so I called and explained that I was waiting for an email from M8. I was transferred to N and basically had the same experience my bf had. Very impatient, seemed to find my conversation and questions a waste of time and I kind of felt like I was being judged by my seeming "lack of knowledge". It bothered me and I thought I'd send out a reveiw for anyone curious of Sherwood Parks Customer Service. Which in my opinion I'd have to say is very poor.

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