Oakridge Fashion Inc
15195 Yonge St, Aurora ON L4G 1L8
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Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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Choosing a winter coat is a big wardrobe decision. With Canadian winters being what they are, you have to live in your choice for months, so your coat needs to fit the bill. It needs to be comfortable, durable and, of course, stylish as well.

Oakridge Outfitters in Aurora is well-known for stocking a superb range of winter coats of all types and styles. In fact, having a large and varied stock of all clothing is one of the principles of the business. “The stock reaches the ceiling! We have to use a pole to get it down,” says owner Cheryl Walker. “The stock is nicely displayed and we regularly change what’s on display so it never looks tired.”

Fun winter PJs and stocking stuffers are also on sale in time for chilly nights as are year-round accessories, scarves, jewellery and bags to go with any outfit.

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