Excellent Service
Immediately after college I started my own IT consulting business. Within a few months my business was growing and I realized that I couldn't do it all myself. After numerous failed attempts at hiring employees (I even hired my college professor who was also a dismal failure). I was getting nowhere and was spending too much time on the hiring process. I still had no idea I was going about it the wrong way and that hiring staff was indeed much harder to get right than I would ever believe. The more I searched the more I realized just how many businesses fill that niche. To my surprise I found a company practically in my back yard. With reluctance I called, after all, what were they going to do for me that I hadn't already done. Using the tools that Marcourt provided me, I had my first successful hire within 4 weeks. Their assessments and approach to finding the right person for my needs was exactly the piece I was missing. Since then, I haven't hired one employee without using their assessments and process.