JKS est l'école d'arts martiaux # 1 dans le West Island. Nous avons montré la voie en matière de légitime défense, Kick Boxing, Boxe, MMA, jiu-jitsu brésilien et plus encore pendant 24 ans. JKS a été développé en 1987. Son fondateur, James Monette, est dans le domaine depuis 1968 et possède une grande expérience. Il est formé en boxe, il est ceinture noire de karaté et a participé à du kick boxe, boxe thai, savate, karaté de contact, judo, lutte, jiu-jitsu et plus encore. Il a également fait partie des forces armées et a appris à se défendre dans une multitude de situations de combat. En 1990, James Monette décide de devenir propriétaire de son école d’arts martiaux, qui est devenue une école respectée sur l’ouest de l’île.
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I have done martial arts for many years. After being at JKS I realized that those arts including the blocks and traditional techniques most arts practice are useless. If you want to learn how to defend yourself, come to JKS. If you’d rather look fancy and practice choreographic silly arts go somewhere else.
I do not part with my hard earned money easily. I joined JKS cautiously at first with a one month membership then one year. Now my second year. I love it. I am hooked! Great with kids too
This Gym is by far the most welcoming and talent filled Gym I have been to in a long time. The coaches are eager for the students to learn and are genuinely interested in you as a person. You go at your own pace. Coaches most used saying "Listen to your body.. don't force anything"
JKS subscribes to a "toughen up kids at any cost" approach that left my children in tears week after week. The instructors routinely chastise the children for crying even when they are legitimately hurt and any complaints are swept under the rug. Avoid this one, there are better places out there.