This place is ridiculous. I bought a $200 bike from them and it took about 20 minutes to get someone to even help me get the bike off the rack as it was too high to reach. I asked the young girl working the department for help and she told me she was going to get someone to help, left me standing there for 10 minutes waiting while she went back to checking her news feed on her phone and completely ignored me... eventually I had to take the bike back to get the pedal fixed, they assembled it wrong and put the pedals on backwards.. this was covered under warranty. After one month, of calling back, they have no idea where my bike is. I called and the guy who answered the phone said he couldn't go check if it was done because he was the only one working the department. Um, then GET SOMEONE ?? Worst customer service i have ever experienced in my entire life
can't return anything here because they hide behind their store policy to let the manufacturer deal with it. So you could be months trying to return something or get it fixed. poor service all around though, and the employees have very poor attitudes.