How you plan your vegetable beds will help you immensely in the long run. It will save you time and effort, ease retrieval and likely prevent you from developing a sore back.
25 juin 2015
How you plan your vegetable beds will help you immensely in the long run. It will save you time and effort, ease retrieval and likely prevent you from developing a sore back.
Plant your greens in the sunniest and flattest part of the garden to ensure a bounty of vegetables all summer and fall. Plan your vegetable and lettuce beds well so that they're easy to maintain, accessible for weeding and watering, and protected against garden invaders.
Keep vegetable beds no wider than 1.2 metres (four feet). To make sure they're accessible on all sides, don't place them right next to a wall or a hedge. The paths between individual beds should be about 30 centimetres (12 inches) wide.
What you'll need:
Soak the herbs in water for 24 hours, then boil and strain. Dilute the completed slurry 10:1 and sprinkle on the seedlings to strengthen them. Repeat weekly.
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