Rand & Fowler Insurance Services Ltd
7581 Market Cross, Burnaby BC V5J 0A3
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First Western Insurance was born on April Fool's Day in 2004 when Hugh Butler purchased the insurance agency originally known as Gorton Rogers. "My dad changed the name to First Western Insurance, and around 2006 we moved from the Old Orchid Mall location to these premises on Market Crossing," explains Paige Butler, Hugh’s daughter.

Hugh has been in the insurance industry since the mid-1980s. "His game plan overall was always to own an insurance agency," says Paige. "For 25 years he worked two full-time jobs and finally turned that goal into reality. He isn't planning on retiring any time soon either. He always jokes that he'll die in the office!"

Following in her father’s footsteps, Paige has been involved in the business since she was 18 years old. "I take care of inventory, Autoplan renewals and transfers, condo and tenant insurance, travel insurance, and I'm working on my commercial lines licence,” she says. “Someday I'm hoping to take over from my dad." In addition to the insurance areas that Paige works in, Hugh can also advise on marine and business insurance.

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