Under The Table-The Pool Table Guy

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  • Anglais,
840 Springland Dr, Ottawa ON K1V 6L6
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    Got a table handed down to me from my grandfather and I needed it moved so I called Under The Table Ltd. They were able to get me in within a week to come and tear down my table move it and set it up in the same day they also gave me a discount on the price of a new felt. Which brought the life back into my grandfathers table. However a week later it was a little off level, they said it was due to setteling and that they would come out and relevel it for free, and they did now it plays like it did when I use to play it with my grandfather. Nice guys fast and friendly service.

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    Nice guys but...

    Nice guys but problems: I bought a used table from them. The deal was that they would put a new cloth on it. After they installed it, I noticed a white spot on the cloth. He brushed it with a wet cloth and told me that it was gone. After he left and when it dried out (an hour later) the white spot reappeared. I called him right away (3 hours after he left) and he basically told me that it would not affect the play and that there is no way he would change the cloth. But it is bothering us, a new cloth with a big withe spot in the middle of the table? Not acceptable. No matter the deal for the table, the cloth is supposed to be new. Of course there is nothing I can do, except writing it here of course. Not happy...

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Réponse d'entreprise 30 juillet 2013

    Call us and we can sort the issue out.

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